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Friday, June 6, 2008

Make Money By Using Blogs - Lesson 3

For those of you just joining us you can find Lesson 1 and lesson 2 at these links.

Make Money Using Blogs - Lesson 1

Make Money Using Blogs - Lesson 2

The point of these lessons are to enable beginners to set up and run a successful online money making venture and to do it with out spending a lot of money. Blogs have become the online marketers best friend and new secret weapon for making money. As we continue with these lessons you will find out why this is so.

At this point you should have set up a new blog at Google's and completed two posts on it. The first post was your welcome message and the second post was your first article on your chosen keyword (topic/niche).

As well you should have joined and posted a second article in their directory. The second article should have been a re-write of your blog posting - enough changes in it to avoid the duplicate content rules of the search engines.

This lesson is fast and easy and no, you don't have to write any more articles.

Getting your new site indexed.

If you have followed my instructions your site is already optimized on-page for Google when it gets around to crawling you. There are a few things (known as off-page optimization) that we can do to speed up the process.

You'll be happy to know that you have already completed one of these techniques.

Writing Articles.

There is no better way to get your site indexed and ranked by Google than writing articles. While providing traffic to your site, articles also get you back links which gets you page ranking and ultimately a high placement in Google's search listings.

Here's a list of the most popular Article Submission Directories. The more articles and more directories you use the faster you will get ranked and indexed by Google. This is not a secret, just a well know fact that all the successful marketers know. It is very effective because 95% of would be competitors either don't like to write articles or don't want to pay for unique articles and most of them resort to duplicate content when filling up their pages. Content, I might add, that comes from the 5% of us who write the articles embedded with our back links. Your competition is one of your best allies as they are the ones sending you back links.

Here is the list.


Go to Technorati and create an account. Log in and "Claim your Blog". Later you will ping technorati each time you post something and they will come and crawl your site for the new content.

Technorati is the "Google" of the Blogoshpere and you want to get indexed in it's directory. The more directories and search engines that you get indexed in the better but Google, Yahoo, Msn, Technorati and Digg are all you really need and must be indexed in.

Technorati will get you traffic but you have to give the proper "Tags" (keywords) for your site. Lot's of people search technorati using tags or keywords to find articles on various subjects. The nice thing about technorati is that it gives users a list of articles based on how recent they were posted. If you are looking for posts using the tag "make money" you will get a list of articles starting with those posted a few minutes ago and working back in time. This is very important and you can generate your own traffic because of this. Note: The Labels in Blogger serve as Technorati "Tags".

Update: March 2008

The following traffic trick is no longer working as Technorati has changed it's system since this was originally posted. I have left it here simply because it is content that brings in traffic but please disregard it.



Let me tell you about a little traffic generating trick. This is strictly for making some quick money with adsense. If you go to technorati you will see a list of "Top Tags". This list is really just a list of what people are searching for the most at any given period of time. You are no doubt aware that Anna Nicole Smith died recently. For the last few days the top searched tag at technorati has been her name. If you were to write an article about her and ping technorati you will get 40 - 50 people to your site about 15 minutes after posting and pinging. Here is the best part - you don't have to post a unique article. You can use other articles (as long as you provide the credit and link back to the original author). This is simply a way to make some quick adsense money and you don't care about Google indexing your site.

I'll explain this in full if I have confused you.

I mentioned back at the beginning of these lessons that you want to create a few decent blogs for ranking in the search engines. These blogs will be for the long term and eventually you can use them to sell products as well as use them for adsense revenue. I also mentioned that you will set up hundreds or thousands of "crappy" blogs. These will be used to generate back links for your good blogs but can also be used to generate adsense revenue.

This is a scenario for a crappy blog. For instance, I have a whole group of what I call "My Celebrity Blogs". When ever a celebrity does something to get themselves on the front pages of the news I quickly post articles about them and ping Technorati. I just use the headline and a few sentences of someone else's article and then include a link back to the original article if people want to read the rest of it. I will post a half dozen of these snippets on my blog. Ping technorati and then wait 15 minutes and sure enough the traffic rolls in from Technorati users looking for info on the celebrity. For this to work you must Tag your post with the celeb's name. As soon as someone searches for articles using that Tag the most recent articles are displayed for them - not the most relevant or the best written - simply the most recent. Technorati is not like Google - they don't care about your content or backlinks or anything else that Google deems important. They simply list articles in order of posting - the most recent gets top listing.


To get the most visitors you have to time your posts. To get the largest audience of English speaking people you should post your articles between 7:00 and 9:00am, between 11:00am and 1:00pm and between 5:00 and 7:00pm all central standard time in the USA. These are the peek hours of readership in North America. You can also work out the best times in the UK and Australia as well.

If you have 10 Celeb blogs you can post the same snippets in all ten blogs. Simply post each one 15 minutes apart during these peek times. This will keep your blogs at the top of the listings for 2 hours or more during the peek readership times.

Is this ethical. Hell no. But it makes fast cash. When Mel Gibson ran into trouble my 10 little blogs got more than 10,000 hits in four days on technorati. I made just under $200.00 for my efforts. I never wrote a single article. Ethical... well that's for your own conscience. I took the money.

That's it for this lesson. Go and get acquainted with Technorati. Claim your blog and play around with TAG searches. Get to know what this directory does as they will make you some decent money once you understand how to use it. As always if you have questions just send me an email.

Later folks.

PS The next lesson will show you how to start marketing programs like The Ultimate SuperTip, $7 Dollar Secrets and several others. If you haven't downloaded the free ebook yet you can get it here. The Ultimate SuperTip or 7 Dollar Secrets.

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